As the 2014 Senate midterm elections
were heating up, pundit predictions were all over the map, but on this much
they agreed: Democratic seats in Montana, West Virginia and South Dakota were
sure to go to Republicans, and Kentucky and Kansas, without question, would
remain with the GOP.
in Kentucky, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) finds himself trailing in
a recent survey and Republican Georgia candidate David Perdue, the former head
of Dollar General, is under fire for
declaring how proud he is of his record of outsourcing. HuffPost's Pollster
model still has McConnell and Perdue ahead.
But Kansas, South Dakota, Georgia, Kentucky -- these are not the states
Republicans were most worried about.
the opportunity in South Dakota, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
is putting a million dollars into the race to succeed retiring Sen. Tim Johnson
(D), despite comments from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
(D-Nev.) suggesting that the seat had already been lost.
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