Friday, November 20, 2015

What The 2016 Candidates Would Do About ISIS, In One Chart

Hillary Clinton has revealed how she would fight ISIS in the wake of the attacks on Paris. Among her ideas: a no-fly zone, support for local troops, and a new authorization for the U.S. to use force in the region.
In a Thursday speech, the former secretary of state laid out her plan, as well as some attacks on her Republican opponents.
"Turning away orphans, applying a religious test, discriminating against Muslims, slamming the door on every single Syrian refugee — that is just not who we are. We are better than that," she said in response to some GOP candidates' plans to either stop Syrian refugees from entering the U.S. or to only allow Christians to enter.

She's not the only one with a plan for fighting ISIS; there has been a flurry of candidate promises in the wake of the attacks in Paris a week ago. In Politico on Thursday, Marco Rubio laid out the steps he'd take, which include reversing defense sequestration. Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, told Georgetown students that he wants Middle Eastern nations to step up more in the fight.

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